Evrópukeppni 50+ í Greenacres

Curlingnefndin búin að tilkynna þátttöku liðs frá Íslandi. Áhugasamir láti vita.

Curling klúbburinn í Greenacres í skotlandi heldur fyrstu evrópukeppni liða skipuðum leikmönnum 50 ára og eldri dagana 29. okt. til 1 nóv. Curlingnefndin tilkynnti þátttöku liðs frá íslandi og þar sem sennilegt er að fleiri leikmenn en skipa eitt lið hafi áhuga á að fara þá er líklegt að spila þurfi um þátttökurétt liðs frá íslandi. Þeir sem áhuga hafa sendi Gísla gisli@arkitektur.is staðfestingu á því. Hér að neðan eru þær upplýsingar um mótið sem við höfum. Við minnum einnig á HM 50+ sem verður á Nýja Sjálandi í apríl á næsta ári en áhugasamir um það mót ættu einnig að láta Gísla vita.

Start:            Wednesday 29 October, 2008 at 9.00am  

Tuesday Evening           Welcome Party              Wednesday Evening     Whisky Tasting          Friday Evening                           Scottish Supper  

Saturday Awards Dinner & Party Prizes:                                                                                                                                                                   Prizes for all finalists and Trophies for the winning teams. Entry Fee: £150 per team which includes all curling, Welcome Party, Whisky Tasting, Scottish Supper & Awards Dinner, Shuttle transport to and from event hotel, airport collections from Glasgow International and Glasgow Prestwick airports.                                                                                                                       System of Play: It is planned to have sections of six teams ensuring that five games will be played in the event of a full draw being achieved.  After the section games, playoffs will be played leading to the final.  All games will be 8 ends.  Ranking by points, ends and shots. Eligibility:                                                                                                                                                       Teams should consist of four eligible men / women who are 50 years of age or over at midnight on 30 June, 2008.  Entry deadline:   Monday, 23 June 2008.  We hope to have 36 teams participating, 18 in the men’s event and 18 in the women’s event.  Accommodation:            Accommodation has been arranged at the Normandy Hotel, Renfrew, the Senior’s Hotel from the World Seniors Curling Championships in 2005.  The cost for bed and breakfast at the Normandy Hotel is £32.50 per person per night (two people sharing a twin room).  A supplement of £10.00 per person per night will apply for single occupancy.